What To Ask Before You Build - Advice From Green Building Pros
Programming (let’s get to know you):
My house was _____ sq ft, __ bedrooms, __ baths and felt (just right), (too small), (too large), (our family is growing & we need more space), (we are at a point where we can downsize).
I think I want/need _____ sq ft, __ bedrooms, __ baths (or I’m unsure and need an architect/ designer/builder/team that can help me gure this out).
My priorities are affordability and ____ (Amenities), (Aesthetics), (Comfort), (Performance), (Maintenance), (Completion Date), (Environmental Sensitivity), (Healthy Indoor Air Quality), (Net Zero Energy), (Passive House Design)
I plan to live in this home for ___ years. I need it to accommodate or be adaptable to (aging in place via universal design), (a growing family), (elderly family coming to live with me full time), (a high resale value).
Conversation Starters (let’s get to know the builder):
I want a well designed and well built home that (is airtight and properly ventilated), (maximizes passive solar design), (is properly insulated), (is right sized for my needs), (lends itself to integrating new systems or technologies), (easy to care for), (has a reduced carbon footprint over a typical home), (utilizes high performance windows). Can you share about your recent experience related to these things?
I’ve heard that the project TEAM is very important. Do you have recent design-build experience? Is there a team of architects, engineers, consultants, etc., that you have worked with successfully previously? Have you previously worked directly with a HERS rater?
I’m interested in Passive House Design. Have you designed/built a Passive House previously? Can you tell me about that project and your experience?
I want to explore using passive techniques to minimize the demand on mechanical systems. I want to determine how to maximize my lot in terms of (solar), (shade), (views). Can you tell me about your experience in design to best utilize a site and make the most out of these existing features?
Do you have experience with designing simple, more cost effective forms but making them beautiful?
I’m interested in geothermal. As my builder, would you be open to my lot being part of the dig of several geothermal wells in my neighborhood so we can split/reduce costs by coming together?
Do you have experience building for ignition resistance - sealing sof ts, attics, and crawl spaces? Have you previously built air tight homes that can protect from smoke and pollution in ltration?
What is your approach to a healthy home? I want to prioritize (an airtight home with continuous ltered fresh air), (passively heating my home as much as possible), (avoiding thermal bridging), (going all electric to get the bene ts of a gas free home), (low VOC materials), (prioritizing local/regional and natural materials).
What new building methods/techniques have you recently learned or are interested in implementing?
Do you have a list of references from recent projects that I can contact?
Where can I nd your portfolio of work?